by Skymone Cosplay | 23/Mar, 2022 | Convention, Crafting
Just another small update (yes, two in one day!) – I also finished my Sentinel’s Spellblade! I will also be bringing this to Sci-fi-con. I plan to wear my Moonpriest on Sunday, and I will probably bring the sword instead of the staff – or maybe...
by Skymone Cosplay | 23/Mar, 2022 | Convention, Crafting
So I was working slooowly on Galadriel – which is still on the table – but I knew I wouldn’t be able to learn how to work with metal in time for my conventions next month – Sci-fi-con on April 1st-2nd and Gamebox Festival 22nd-24th. Last year,...
by Skymone Cosplay | 9/Feb, 2022 | Crafting, LIfe in general
Somehow after New Year’s my crafty motivation came back. I’m not sure if it’s the prospect of days getting longer and warmer, new conventions or just the fact that finally, the worst of the pandemic seems to be over. But regardless of the reason,...
by Skymone Cosplay | 2/Feb, 2022 | Crafting
Sometimes I start cosplays and don’t finish them. I think all cosplayers have tried loosing motivation half-way through a project. It sucks, because you’ve wasted time and materials and got nothing to show for it. That’s how it was with my Moonpriest...
by Skymone Cosplay | 26/Jan, 2022 | Crafting, LIfe in general
Ok, so I just realized I never posted about my wedding dress her. Nor mentioned getting married. Oh well. Sorry guys (and girls) – I’m definitely taken now. August last year I got married to my best friend and favourite human. And since we’re...
by Skymone Cosplay | 4/Oct, 2021 | Crafting
Since I no longer post many progress photos on my social media, I try to keep up with my write-ups. Today I finished one for my Feralheart Druid. You can find it right here....
by Skymone Cosplay | 3/Jul, 2020 | Crafting
I know, it’s a few years since I made my Sylvanas On Tour cosplay… But I really wanted to update my page with some of my newer cosplays, so I’m trying to catch up! If you wanna read about how I made it, check out the new page! Art by raspbearyart...
by Skymone Cosplay | 25/Sep, 2017 | Crafting, Photoshoot
I realised a dream and did another druid cosplay! It took me half a year to make it and a lot, lot of hours. Today, I finally got around to making a walk-through of how I created the whole cosplay, so click the buttons below to visit the walk-through and see the...
by Skymone Cosplay | 25/Mar, 2017 | Crafting, Photoshoot
For years, doing a cosplay of Cammy White from Street Fighter has been something I really wanted to do. I just never had the courage. I was afraid I wouldn’t look good in it or that people would call me a slut for wearing something so revealing. I first had the...