My druid is getting close to done – all that remains is a bit of fitting (since I lost a bit of weight since I started this project) and the pauldrons. I finally got my contact lenses, and so I wanted to both practice putting them in (at the moment, it takes me at least 30 minutes) and see how the costume looked overall and what is missing.
The lenses feel really weird to wear. They cover my pupils a bit, so the edges of my vision is white, which takes some getting used to. I think the quality of the lense is fine, but it’s a very bad fit for my eye – they’re very big, and almost too big for me to put in. I bought them from Dragon’s Lair.
I still need proper hair colour – I tried using body paint in my hair, which doesn’t work so well. The belt is still not a perfect fit, so I might have to go back and work some more on that. The gems on my chestpiece and headpiece are a bit too white, so I am thinking about covering them with a thin layer of pinkish nail polish to make them a bit more glowy. Otherwise, the costume is quite comfortable to wear.