I rarely update my blog here, but when I do, I guess I will do it with many topics, haha. Well, first of all, I went to the first-ever Koyocon (which isn’t spelled with regular o’s, but whatever). It was small, it was intimate, it was fun and I liked it! 🙂 Not the most high-tech of cons, but the event hosts did a great job with what they had! I’m hoping this con will be a repeat event next year, perhaps even bigger! 🙂
Have a picture of my Giselle costume from the convention:
I spent most of my time in the artist alley, but I also saw the cosplay show, which was pretty fun 🙂
Next week, it’s my birthday, so this weekend I’m celebrating that with a pirate themed party. There’s nothing like theme parties. Themed food, themed decorations and COSTUMES! 😀
Koyocon, with it’s small, intimate mood, made me want to work more on the Ysera and Alex costumes, and so I plan to do that along with my cosplay partner, Michelle Louring, from next week. This time, we’re starting early, and hopefully it means we’ll be done for our next convention – SVScon! Stay tuned for more updates or visit my Facebook page for weekly updates: https://www.facebook.com/skymonecosplay.