New cosplay plans & general update

May 20, 2013

I have been neglecting my blog a little since I made my Facebook page, but I think it is time for an update! SVScon is over, and it was a really great experience that has made me want to cosplay even more! I didn’t win any of the categories at the cosplay show, but that isn’t getting me down, on contrary, I’m even more set on making an even better cosplay now. And this time, I won’t be alone. Along with Michelle Louring (check out her webpage right here), I’ll be making Ysera and Alexstrasza cosplays! (I’ll be Ysera – she’ll be Alex). And if you don’t know who they are, here’s a picture – Alex on the left, Ysera on the right:


To pass the time while working on ordering materials and having them shipped, I made this banner today:




Alliance will join later, when the shops open again 🙂

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  1. Michelle Louring

    This is going to be awesome, even though I fear for it! 😛 Not only am I going to be half-naked, I’ll be in immediate danger of being stabbed by your horns!

    • Skymone

      Well, I’ll be in danger of your horns, too – I won’t stab you, if you don’t stab me!

        • Skymone

          But there’s more of them!

          • Michelle Louring

            Two of them are tiny! They’re never going to hurt anyone…
            Not like yours, which could make me into shish-kebab!

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