I’ve been wanting to get some proper photos of Ysera ever since finishing her. There has been many reasons why I haven’t – the weather has been too cold, I haven’t had a photographer, I didn’t have an airbrush – many, many reasons.
At last, I thought I had it all solved when I made appointment with a photographer to take photos last sunday. The weather here in Denmark has been absolutely great for week – tropical nights and all!
That is, until I woke up sunday morning to heavy downpour that lasted all day. And continued the following day.
You just can’t trust the weather forecasts…
So, now me, my cosplay partner, a photographer and our assistant (my boyfriend) are all just waiting for the day when the sun is shining, so we can rush home from work (and in my case, paint myself purple) and go out to a forrest to finally have some photos of the dragon sisters.
I’m still trying to figure out how I will ride a car in this costume – especially how to wear a seat belt without ruining anything. Eeep!