As I wrote before, I am moving, which has me visiting a lot of 2nd hand shops – furniture aren’t cheap, and I don’t care enough that I want to spend 10,000 kr on a sofa, when I could buy it for 300 kr used and spend the rest of the money on cosplay supplies! (or food…)
Anyways, yesterday, I was on one such 2nd hand shop visit. And while I didn’t find anything that I really needed, I did end up leaving with a huge box overflowing with white tulle – a wedding dress.
No, I’m not getting married. And if I was, it wouldn’t be a big, white dress in a church kind of wedding – atheist and all that. But this dress was just too epic to leave in that box! So now I have a big dress, and I’m thinking – wtf should I do with it?? May I present my possible future cosplay (though Ysera is still top priority) – Giselle from Enchanted!
Impossible? Maybe. But I’ll try it! Plus, I always wanted to be a Disney Princess!