I just found this photo and had a good trip down memory lane. This is what I consider the start of my cosplay… Career? Fandom? Obsession? My first self-made costume, Skymone the Night Elf Druid of Eonar-EU! Until this, I wore costumes made by my mom, but I wasn’t part of the cosplay community and had only attended a few cons.
The time when I started my druid cosplay, I was feeling very lonely. I had finished college and since it was an international class, most of my class mates left the country. I was unemployed and spent way too much time in front of my computer. I needed something creative to do, and I wanted to meet new people. It seemed natural to do a cosplay of my in-game character. Afterall, I had spent waaay too much time getting familiar with her. I had also seen other cosplayers do druid cosplays (Kamui Cosplay, Lonan Cosplay) and so although it LOOKED impossible, I knew it wasn’t. I set off to work on my cosplay and finished it in spring 2013. I went to my first convention as a cosplayer and participated in the show – mostly because I had put so much work into it, I wanted to “use it” for something. And it was amazing. Even though I didn’t talk much to many people that year, it was the beginning to something that pretty much changed my life. I was hooked. I had my first awkward meet with Michelle Louring (who thoroughly impressed me with her actual PRINTED BOOKS that SHE WROTE that she was selling in Artist Alley!) at this convention, and shortly after, we started working on our dragons together. Then we met more people and formed a little group of close friends – people I wouldn’t want to live without now. Cosplay even brought me closer again to a childhood friend!
Through all this, my boyfriend has also been at my side, helped me when I needed it, cheered me on when I wanted to give up, tolerated me when I was stressing out over a deadline and leaving a trail of mess and anger behind me. Everyone in my family are always supportive and offer any help they can with the various skills they have. And they are proud of me, which I am so happy about, because I know many cosplayers have families that don’t support their hobby at all, and here I am, having parents who show pictures of my cosplays to their friends proudly.
I love all of the people in my life, and I’m happy to be so lucky to have them!
That is what this picture means to me, even if it’s just a hall-shot from SVScon 2013 🙂